Meet Author Maggie Cooper

Dear Annie/Maggie Cooper/Eventbrite

Never forget that Cambridge is a book town, and the best way to celebrate its wordy heritage of writers like Phillis Wheatley and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is to celebrate up-and-coming writers like Maggie Cooper, who will be stopping by for a reading at Dear Annie in Cambridge on Tuesday, September 24th. Cooper’s new book, The Theme Park of Women’s Bodies, is coming out this fall from Bull City Press, and she’ll be discussing her chapbook of queer flash fiction with fellow writer Ash Trebisacci starting at 7:00pm

Tickets to the reading cost $20 and you can snag yours here. The evening will be an active discussion-style sesh between the two writers, with plenty of time for Q&A after. Tickets include a glass of wine or an NA bevie to enjoy while the presentation is going on, and you can give DA a call at 617.571.1885 if you have Qs, and check out more about Cooper’s book and bio here,

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