PJ Jantawong

Chef PJ Jantawong, hailing from the northern part of Thailand, brings the vibrant and tantalizing flavors of Thai street food to the international culinary scene. With years of valuable experience as a chef in the U.S., Jantawong has honed her skills and expertise in Asian cuisine.

What sets Jantawong apart is her ability to blend the authentic Thai local taste with the western world, creating a harmonious fusion of flavors. Her culinary creations is a perfect balance of all tastes, offering a delightful and unforgettable dining experience. Whether it’s the fiery heat of Thai chilies or the savory richness of umami-packed ingredients, her dishes are a true celebration of flavor.

Through her innovative approach and passion for culinary excellence, Jantawong captivates diners at Hobgoblin Bar with her unique blend of Thai street food and international flair on a menu where each dish is meticulously crafted to showcase the best of both worlds, leaving a lasting impression on every palate.

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