Authors Keep Flocking to Flora

Reserve a front row seat at Flora‘s next author dinner – Elif Armbruster will be making an appearance to discuss her latest work, Domestic Biographies: Stowe, Howells, James & Wharton at Home. On Tuesday, July 12th, the author and Suffolk University professor of English will be expounding on the lives of writers Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Dean Howells, Henry James and Edith Wharton and how they lived and how their home life worked its way into their writing. Don’t worry if you haven’t read it yet, signed copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event if your interest is piqued. The free event starts at 6:30pm – so you’ll have plenty of time for dinner from Bob Sargent‘s summer menu. Call 781.641.1664 for directions and details.

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